January 3, 2023


Laura Travan

Neonatologist, Director for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of IRCSS Institute of Child Health, Burlo Garofolo, Professor “a contratto” of Paediatrics in University of Trieste, PhD in “Mother-Infant Medicine, Educational and Developmental Pediatrics and Perinatal Medicine”, University of Trieste.
Referent for “Nido Rooming-in Unit” for 6 years with various fields of interests such as “Protection and Promoting Breastfeeding” (Institutional Referent for IRCSS Institute of Child Health, Burlo Garofolo), tutor for FVG for “Problem Based Learning Breastfeeding Course”, expert in diagnosis and management of syndromic newborns and in preterm follow up.
Co-author of 60 papers cited on Pubmed and of 7 papers on national journals cited on Scopus, H-Index 15 (Scopus), reviewer for several neonatological journals.
Co-author of pediatric textbooks of national relevance. Invited speaker in more than 100 meetings of national and international relevance.
Chair of the regional (Friuli Venezia Giulia) section of the Italian Society of Neonatology, member of the National Breasfeeding Committee and of the SUPC Task Force, member of the Clinical Genetics Newborn Study Group of the Italian Society of Neonatology.